Why Write?

After much thinking, I was thinking again…

Why not share some of my experiences with friends and anyone who will probably (or are going thru) the same things I’d gone through as a Singaporean? Common things that seems to be the normal rite of passage for any grown up in Singapore – studying, NS, getting married, buying a HDB, have kids, grow old… and while things seems to be “normal”, there ain’t any handbooks around to help us out! We have to bang the wall a few times, get our heads cracked and bleeding before getting things done the correct way… at least that happened for me.

So I thought, why not share some of these experiences and conclusions I’d drawn with my friends and people going thru the same thing on the web (instead of repeating myself over and over again with different friends :) ).

Feel free to add your 2 cents or 20 cents worth on my thoughts :) Here goes….

Check out my real job: Web & Graphic design & all things Creative 🙂

I also make a living from commercial photography, doing portrait shots and covering actual day wedding shots 🙂

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